I need a witty title generator…

…because I’m way too tired to think of one. Mentally, at least. Been getting a decent amount of sleep, despite sometimes intense abdominal pain. Thankfully I’m finally seeing a specialist end of next week to get some definitive progress made on alleviating that, and until then the doc gave me some better pain meds that I’ll be picking up today. I’m also not allowed to eat a ton of stuff, including but not limited to:

  • Soda and other caffeinated beverages
  • Tomato-based products, like ketchup or my wife’s lovely spaghetti sauce. Or ketchup.
  • Chocolate
  • Mint-flavored anything
  • Citrus-anything
  • Fried, spicy, or in general flavored food

Since I haven’t really mentioned it here before: they suspect I have Crohn’s Disease, but true diagnosis can only be made with further testing. All the above stuff is just preventitive maintenance to try and stop the intense abdomenal cramping and pain, and so far hasn’t really helped except to make me unhappy. I’d mostly managed to kick my soda habit as of late, but asking me to give up my mint and chocolate is going too far. At least I still have gobstoppers and lemonheads*

In other news, second day back at the office; I miss telecommuting, mostly because I didn’t have to drive everyday (despite the drive being pretty sedate here). I’m quite literally swamped with stuff needing done, and most of it time critical to varying degrees. Everyone is nice and understanding so far, but I’ve got to make some serious progress or things could go south. And since I’m not really taking a real lunch break, time to get back to work.

* – They sell lemonheads in the grocery down here! /rejoice!

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