The Lonely Soldier
Poor guy is all by himself on the battlefield. That’s a civil war era cannon, for you folks who might not be familiar with the style of the weapon. We saw (and heard) several when visiting Mr. McGraw at a Civil War Re-Enactment in Pennsylvania several years back. I have photos from that somewhere… Here…
More tussling behind my back
So engrossed in the fight that they’re not even going after my mp3 player.
Helicopter Rescue, circa late 1980s – early 1990s ?
Apparently, when pogle was a child, he liked to draw stick figure battles. When grabbing a notebook today, I found several hidden in the middle of the notebook. Enjoy. I like the green dude.
Ys plays with fishies on a rope
Yes, we do collect boxes for them to play in. You would too after you had Ys bite you a few times (more cardboard for her to hole punch = less she gnaws on us).
Minion is obsessed with Klondike foil wrappers. Ysabell desides to see what all the fuss is about.
Demonic glowy-eyed Ysabell retaliates
The base of the tail is a favorite target. Looks painful…
Minion tackles Ysabell
Ferret fight!
Ysabell and Minion scuffle. Ysabell always wins. Always.
You can’t put Minion in the corner
Or the ball, apparently, bc he’ll cute you to death.
Too tired
Ferrets will continue…soon. Summer reading started this week and I’m too exhausted to deal with uploading photos just yet. I promise the cute (and the vaguely evil) will return in a couple of days.