Author: pogle

  • Ferret malarkey and new, old games.

    So, last night when I arrived home from work, I was greeted as per usual by 3 romping ferrets in their playpen. I picked them up, one by one, to say hello. Minion was acting a bit odd (we think he was developing a hairball, since he’s been shedding like mad). He climbed up my…

  • I need motivation…

    I want to write more.  I keep having all these ideas, but I can never bring them out well enough that I feel comfortable writing them.  I want to write something sci-fi based, but it has a strong psychological undercurrent to it…problem is, every single ‘gimmick’ I come up with for it has already been…

  • On childhood Tetris viewings…

    I was complimented on my brick-stacking ability while we were unloading my truck tonight. All those hours of watching my mom destroy tetris as a child had to pay off in some way, right? Of course, its equally possible all those hours spent playing Stronghold and building castles affected it somewhat too. Videogames are good…

  • Of work shirts and flowers…

    This morning, I let Michele choose a shirt for me to wear to work. She chose an old button down dressy-type shirt, rather than the Hawaiians I typically wear. She’d tried to get me to wear it on Friday, which I declined to do in favor of wearing my “Keep out of direct sunlight” shirt…

  • and they’re pushing your spine away with a broom…

    Wow. The Eddie Izzard sketch. Its all true. They really do crack your bones. I thought it was comedic hyperbole. Ok, so the good news. I don’t need surgery. There’s nothing life threatening going on with my back. Matter of fact, the minutiae, the little details throughout my spine are all in great shape. No…

  • You’ve got diptheria. I’m gonna crack yer bones!

    So I finally visited a chiropractor today after almost 4 years of saying I needed to (I’ve had lower back pain so intense when I’m laying down that it both wakes me up and prevents me from easily getting up due to the pain, and getting more and more frequent over the past 4 years…

  • May you live in interesting times…

    So, my dearest wife has a sinus infection. She’s getting meds for it. They stand a good chance of making it so she can’t sleep; but they also stand a chance of making her excessively sleeping. And along with that, she’s supposed to avoid caffeine entirely. If anyone needs me, I’ll be hiding at the…

  • Tag/title transfer

    So, given that as usual I had procrastinated until the last minute, I went to the NC DOT license and tag office for Gaston county this morning. Having a scant 3 days before my MD tags expired, I was rather nervous that delays or missing paperwork would mess me up. I had finally received a…

  • Father units…

    So, I randomly came across my father on the internet. Someone clued me in on having found a picture of him, so I checked it out. Given that I’m pogle, I’m sure you can figure out which one on the page is him with a little thought. Upon seeing him, I sent the link to…

  • Amusing imagery of the week

    The scene: Medium sized dog in a fence. Loud. Barking ferociously in defense of his boundaries. Small cat. Just big enough to discard kitten status. Sitting sedately on other side of fence staring at dog. The punchline: Cat stares deliberately at the dog, then leans down and starts cleaning its nether regions. I laughed, at…