Lump o’ Ysabell
At 1.5 lbs, small enough to hold in one hand.
Nothing else could be seen…
As he was swallowed by a sea of blankies.
*brain melts*
Ys looking adorable.
An unusual pillow
Jack Jack’s head is actually resting half in one of the entrance holes to the ark. And no, I didn’t tuck him in; he does that himself. >.>
Squishy Hammock
Expect more cage-shots, as the playpen has been dismantled and stored.
What the deuce?
Jack Jack hears strange noises and investigates.
What’s that white lump on top of the ferret bed?
Don’t judge me
Ys: Hey, we’re trying to sleep here!
JJ: *snore*
Snorkel + One True Paw