Tag: video games

  • Video Game Piracy Rant

    Disclaimer: There are no cute ferrets here. The linked article and ensuing rant may also contain content inappropriate for a younger audience. Unless you’re a dork interested in video game controversy, please feel free to skip this and go look at something cute.

  • Ferret malarkey and new, old games.

    So, last night when I arrived home from work, I was greeted as per usual by 3 romping ferrets in their playpen. I picked them up, one by one, to say hello. Minion was acting a bit odd (we think he was developing a hairball, since he’s been shedding like mad). He climbed up my…

  • On childhood Tetris viewings…

    I was complimented on my brick-stacking ability while we were unloading my truck tonight. All those hours of watching my mom destroy tetris as a child had to pay off in some way, right? Of course, its equally possible all those hours spent playing Stronghold and building castles affected it somewhat too. Videogames are good…

  • I don’t like to be touched!

    And as a bonus, pogle’s perfect “Terminal Velocity” fall from the video game portal (warning: may make you queasy): [flv]http://becd.net/videos/MVI_2858.flv[/flv] (Download high quality version here)