
We arrived safely (except for some severe caffeine overdosing) in NC about 24 hours ago. After only a few hours of sleep, our moving men showed up with our stuff (early). That finished around noon, so we zoomed off to Lowes to pick up a few essentials (weedwacker, shower rod, stud finder, weed killer, mailbox & post). The cable/internet company calls and says they can arrive at 12:30 pm (early). We zoom back to house, meet the very nice cable guy who has us set up with cable and internet by 1:30 pm or so.

After that I did some inspecting of the outside of the house. There was some shoddy work on the bricks in a couple places, as the grout or whatever it’s called had fallen out. I patched those temporarily up with some silicon the cable guy gave us. I also discovered we needed to extend our Heat Pump drainage pipe out a few inches so it’s not draining down the foundation.

Sometime later, Pog and I found enough energy to drag ourselves to Best Buy to visually check out the fridge and washer styles we were thinking of ordering. Both turned out to be winners, so we’ll order them online to get the free shipping this week. Then we headed over to Wally World to pick up some dish soap and food for a couple of days. Finally, lunch! Too bad Pog’s stomach’s still upset and I’m queasy from lack of sleep.

Now I just need to get protective glasses from Lowes so I can take care of the tall weeds in the front yard (back yard is mostly dirt and low lying weeds). Possible patches of Poison Sumac in backyard will get daily dosing of poison starting tomorrow. Need to check on the caulk/silicon tomorrow to make sure it’s curing okay.

We picked up shelf lining at WW, so tonight/tomorrow I’ll start the unpacking of the kitchen, starting with washing everything! Blegh, the moving trucks were dirty. By the way, so far no serious casualties to our stuff. The promptness of both the pickup and deliver will get Safeway a positive review from us, but seeing how well the packed Pog’s giant TV really set that in stone. A few boxes got torn up in the move, but the contents were fine; only our cheap composite shelving units really showed wear and tear (the cheap backs didn’t stay on very well). I’ll go through my inventory to make sure nothing’s missing. For now, I think both Pog and I will take a nap.

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