So, last night when I arrived home from work, I was greeted as per usual by 3 romping ferrets in their playpen. I picked them up, one by one, to say hello. Minion was acting a bit odd (we think he was developing a hairball, since he’s been shedding like mad). He climbed up my shoulder and to my head, where I expected him to engage in his usual grooming.
Oh no. Not Minion. I should know better by now.
I received a ferret wet-willy. And there was much squealing and almost-dropping of ferret.
Tonight, I came home, and wisely kept Minion clear of my shoulder. I put him on Michele’s instead 😀 I also had the urge to play a new and different computer game, and seeing as Michele had organized ours into a new cd cabinet, I started rummaging. I discovered Descent:Freespace, and Freespace2…two games which had been highly recommended to me in college, that I had no idea I even owned. Freespace dates back to 1998, but I installed it, fired up the old usb joystick, and wouldn’t you know it, it ran without a hitch (which is more than I can say for X-Wing Alliance sadly).
So, now its 2 hours later, and my shoulders are all tense from the dogfighting (its a space combat simulator, after all), and I’m really happy I’m finally getting around to one of the new, old games on my must-play list. Now, however, its time for bed. You might hear from me in another month or so, when I finally remember to update once again!
2 responses to “Ferret malarkey and new, old games.”
The funny thing is I do recall you playing Freespace in college. If I recall it was dropped when you rediscovered Homeworld / Homeworld 2.
Ahh the good old days.
Mike was the one playing Freespace I’m pretty sure. He was the primary person who recommended it to me; I never played it until I found a demo with a joystick at work, one time. Only flight sim I can think of I did in college was X-Wing Alliance.