Still no ferret pics
But have a sneak peak at something for the new site:
Let’s play “Identify the ferret!â€
Artwork by Cousin Jessica
5 Years
Today marks my 5 year wedding anniversary. Meabh’s too. Go figure, right? It doesn’t seem like its been that long… but on the other hand, it seems like its been forever, since I can’t imagine life without her. I love you sweetie. To celebrate, here’s Minion with his party hat.
Have you missed me?
No, no…maybe down there?
Hark! Could that be something interesting up there?!
Ok. Tuesday. Slump completed.
It’s Monday. I’m too thrilled to finish slumping.
What? I didn’t do nothing!
Luckily for Draco…
Ferrets don’t come equipped with rear-view mirrors.