We all know how cute you are. Who can deny it as you take one piece of kibble in your mouth on the left side of your playpen, quickly cross the vast unsecure area of the middle of the cage (all 1 yard of it) and stash/eat your food in your little blue house.
We know you love your little blue house.
But please, please! Stop eating your food so fast that you choke or get sick, even if it is just a little bit of spittle on the cage floor. It worries us (read: me), especially after the distemper shot reaction last weekend.
If you promise to try and chew better, I’ll try and give you kibble soaked in a little water more often (sidenote: please stop tipping the bowl!). If only we could get you to eat chicken. 😛
Meabh the Maid
2 responses to “Dear Minion,”
What’s his deal with chicken?
Basically, if a young ferret is fed nothing but kibble as s/he is growing up, they’ll not associate anything else as food. I’ve tried various methods to introduce chicken as a something he’ll eat–we always have scraps from making chicken broth–but he simply doesn’t associate it with food. He will drink chicken broth though. 😛