The ferrets got a playtime last night…something like 2am to 3:30am (yay weekend+vacation!).  I got up today at 11am. And Minion and Jack-jack were both awake. So I snagged them and a very sleepy Ysabell and took them in for another playtime. So another hour and a half almost for them. Put them back in the cage aftewards.
And now Minion is totally zonked. Most ferrets, when asleep, can be handled a good deal and never actually wake up. Our ferrets wake up instantly, and after a bit of grogginess are active as ever. Not so right now, however…Minion got poked and scratched for a full minute and all but slept through it. I don’t recall him ever being quite that tired before. I guess I just feel proud that we finally managed to wear him out to some degree…
Yes, we got pictures, and no, they’re not any different from any other sleepy ferret picture. Guess you just had to be there to see. Pics will be up in the normal rotation eventually.