A Ferrety Pillow
Jack Jack is resting his head on a toy we picked up for him. This is pretty much the only time he’s paid any attention to it. 😛
It’s Hammock Time!
Collapsible Ferret!
JJ in his natural form…
In the shape of a “J” of course.
Someone needs his nails trimmed
aka “High five!”
Swirly Ferret
aka Playtimes are Tough
Step closer, said the ferret to the photographer
Photographer: Um, no thanks. You already bit me this morning. Ys: And I’m still hungry.
Sleeping Ferret #5202
Why are there so many pictures of sleeping ferrets, you ask? 1. They sleep a lot. 2. You ever tried to get a good picture of a moving ferret? Didn’t think so. :p
A lost friend
Bandit, after a long period of illness (at least, long in ferret time), has passed on. We’ll all miss him. Bandit ? – April 8, 2009 Our heartfelt condolences to his human pets, Jessica and Jason.
How to Sleep Like a Ferret
Step 1: Fold yourself into a candycane shape.