The Ferret Mind Meld
Or Another Yin Yang picture.
Minion steals the bucket for a nap.
Say it with me now, please: “Dawwwww!”
Jack Jack doesn’t want to share his box.
Alas, poor Jack Jack, we knew him well…
What? You mean you *don’t* have box monsters? How remarkable. (And no jokes about my drawing, if you want better pester pogle to get me a wacom.)
The bucket does strange things to you.
My bucket. MY bucket. MY BUCKET!
My Tube, not YouTube
Yes, I know, lame joke in the title. 😛
She gets all the good toys…
Ferret fight in the bathroom.
Don’t worry, he doesn’t mind.
Jack Jack steps on Minion’s eye…and Min doesn’t even notice. >.>