Noooooooooooooooooooooo, not the Butt Wiggle! >.<
Let go of my tail!
Minion thinking he’s a lion…
Escape from the Couch!
Minion leaping off the couch, which is about 15″ off the ground.
Try two not so good…
Yes, that is Minion leaping for the blue clothes hamper and missing horribly.
Ready, Set, Jump!
Ready… Set… Jump!
Revenge is sweet…
Ferret pile, with closeup
Ysabell begs for attention
It’s hard to resist that cute little face…
Hey, let go of my posterior!
Jack Jack doesn’t quite so much hang around as hang upside down.
Hanging around
Minion just hanging around. I’m going to go giggle myself insensible now, that level of cuteness is dangerous you know.