The Two-Headed Ferret
The Sleepy Contortionist
The teeniest of tongues…
A closeup shot of the Her Highness, the Teeny Tiny Terror
It’s hard to get a good picture of Ysabell because she’s either always moving, or the flash on the camera gives her laser eyes. Here’s a non-flash picture of one of her few still moments.
A new place to play…
This is Jack Jack on top of their cube bed. I swear Minion wasn’t anywhere he could see this, then later I walked in on this: *sigh*
Ferret Tent
Big Boom
A large storm system moved into our area tonight. About 11:45PM a huge crack of thunder shook the house. It was loud enough that it scared pog awake, and both Minion and Jack Jack–who had been fighting–shot straight into the ferret tower, to immediately pop their heads out of different holes to figure out what…
Minion: And you said I was too big…
Meabh: Yeah, well, I cut that hole small so you wouldn’t be able to fit! It was supposed to be Ysabell’s box, you great lump. 😛