Yin and Yang
Minion and Jack Jack taking a nap together yesterday. They still woke me up at 3:30 AM fighting, however; I’ve pretty much come to the conclusion that Minion’s hissing is his “play?” in ferretese. He’s constantly sticking his head into whatever place the other two are napping and hissing. Needless to say, Jack Jack doesn’t…
The Anti-Jumping Device
We picked up a little ferret tower last night at Petsmart. It’s only about 2 feet tall and in the very middle of the playpen (which is 5 feet in diameter with walls around 3-4 feet tall). I’d been wanting to get a kitty tower for Minion to play on (he likes climbing and carpet,…
Back from the vet.
I’m now on reaction-watch (remember Minion and the Canine Distemper reaction?). Thankfully, our two little ghosts seem to be doing fine thus far. Of course, Minion has to make up for it. I added a bit of ferretone to their playpen water bowl because Jack Jack simply doesn’t open his mouth–ever. So getting him to…
You’ve all met Minion, of course: Now meet his new friends, Jack Jack and Ysabell: Jack Jack is a Dark-Eyed White male about 2 years old and Ysabell is a Silver Mitt female about 1 year old. They’re both going in for their shots this morning, so hopefully that goes well. They are both getting…
Maybe I should join Cirque du Soleil?
Wake me up when it’s the weekend again.
Today’s post brought to you by the letter “g”.
Flying ferret attack!